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@article{ Burkhardt2020,
 title = {Institutionalising Authoritarian Presidencies: Polymorphous Power and Russia's Presidential Administration},
 author = {Burkhardt, Fabian},
 journal = {Europe-Asia Studies},
 pages = {1-33},
 year = {2020},
 issn = {1465-3427},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article attempts to open up the ‘black box’ of the Russian Presidential Administration (‘the Kremlin’). Borrowing from the literature on institutional presidencies and institutional approaches to authoritarianism, I argue that the administration institutionalised over the years of study, 1994–2012. More stable and predictable procedures enhanced administrative presidential powers but personalism and non-compliance with presidential orders remained. Original data on budget, staff, units, organisational structure and presidential assignments demonstrate that presidential power ought to be conceptualised as a polymorphous
phenomenon that varies depending on the level of analysis. Researchers should refrain from over-personalising accounts of authoritarian regimes at the expense of more structural, organisational elements such as ‘institutional presidencies’.},
 keywords = {administrative organization; executive power; Verwaltungsapparat; Russland; Exekutive; institutionalism; Institutionalismus; Russia; Präsidialsystem; organizational principle; Organisationsprinzip; organizational analysis; institutionalization; Organisationsanalyse; presidential system; Institutionalisierung}}