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@incollection{ Korotayev2019,
 title = {A Mathematical Model of Influence of the Interaction between Civilization Center and Barbarian Periphery on the World System Development},
 author = {Korotayev, Andrey and Grinin, Leonid},
 year = {2019},
 booktitle = {History & Mathematics: Big History Aspects},
 pages = {142–225},
 address = {Volgograd},
 publisher = {Uchitel Publishing House},
 isbn = {978-5-7057-5464-9},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article offers an analysis and mathematical modeling of the influence of
one of the major factors of the World System macrodynamics throughout most
part of its history (since the ‘urban revolution’) – the factor of interaction of
civilizations with their barbarian periphery. The proposed mathematical model
is intended to describe possible influence of interaction between civilizational
core of the World System and its barbarian periphery on the formation
of the specific curve of the world urbanization dynamics. It simulates completion
of the phase transition, behavior of the system in the attraction basin and
beginning of the phase transition to the attraction basin of the new attractor
and is aimed to identify the role of the factor of interaction between the civilizational
core and barbarian periphery in the formation of attractor effect during
the completion of phase transition, that is for clarification of the reason
why there was observed not only slowdown of growth rates of the main indicators
of the World System development after completion of phase transitions
during its development, but also their falling with the subsequent temporary
stabilization near some equilibrium level. Achievements of modern barbarology,
including the understanding of complexity of the barbarian periphery itself
and its heterogeneity are considered. The basic principle of the proposed dynamic
model is that sizes, power and level of complexity in realization of external
policy functions in nomadic unions (empires) closely correspond to sizes,
power and level of political culture and activity of the core states with which
nomads constantly had to do (this point has been established in works of the
known experts in nomadic studies). Various alternatives are shown in the model,
when depending on power and size of one of the two components of the system ‘civilization – barbarian periphery’ studied by us, another one also
changes significantly as it has to respond to the challenge properly, or can
make less efforts feeling no threat or resistance. This principle is observed
throughout the long period of the history of the World System. It is shown that
interaction between the civilizational center and barbarian periphery really
can explain some characteristic features of the World System dynamics in the
4th millennium BCE – the 2nd millennium CE. The ways of further development
of the model are outlined.},
 keywords = {Modellentwicklung; model construction; mathematische Methode; mathematical method; Welt; world; Zivilisation; civilization; Urbanisierung; urbanization; Zentrum-Peripherie; center-periphery; historische Entwicklung; historical development; historische Analyse; historical analysis}}