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@article{ Young2019,
 title = {Protests, Regulations, and Environmental Accountability in Cambodia},
 author = {Young, Sokphea},
 journal = {Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs},
 number = {1},
 pages = {33-54},
 volume = {38},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {1868-4882},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {In the realm of global environmental governance, accountability has been key to the debate concerning pervasive environmental deterioration. Among the factors underlying this deterioration, a perceived challenge is the lack of clear mechanisms for identifying to whom the actors in environmental governance in general, and in other sectors, for example, hydropower, agricultural land, mining, and infrastructure in particular, are accountable to for their actions. To investigate the challenge of this situation, this article explores the ways in which the protest movements of grass-roots communities and non-governmental organizations endeavour to hold government and foreign corporations accountable for the actions they have taken which have contributed to environmental degradation in Cambodia. Drawing on two case studies, this article argues that these protest movements have played an increasing role in requiring environmental accountability from both government and corporations.},
 keywords = {Umweltschaden; Südostasien; protest movement; Cambodia; Southeast Asia; Kambodscha; Protestbewegung; environmental damage}}