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@incollection{ Cornea2017,
 title = {Cooperarea transfrontalieră a colectivităţilor locale din Republica Moldova: între oportunități și șanse nerealizate},
 author = {Cornea, Sergiu},
 year = {2017},
 booktitle = {Південь України: етноісторичний, мовний, культурний та релігійний виміри},
 pages = {163-168},
 address = {Odesa},
 isbn = {978-966-930-178-9},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {There are examined the issues related to cross-border cooperation of local communities in the Republic of Moldova. It is examined the European and national regulatory framework on cross-border cooperation. There are examined the opportunities of local communities’ cooperation from the Republic of Moldova within Euroregions. It is, also, elucidated the negative impact of the Counter-Reformation from 2003 on cross-border cooperation.},
 keywords = {Republik Moldau; Moldova; grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit; cross-border cooperation; Euroregion; Euroregion}}