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@book{ Graaf2009,
 title = {Rode Jeugd in the Netherlands},
 editor = {Graaf, Beatrice de},
 year = {2009},
 pages = {38},
 address = {Leiden},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The Netherlands of the 20th century is hardly known for its rich tradition of political violence. However, first steps towards starting up an armed struggle were made also there at the same time as for example Rote Armee Fraktion (RAF) started to operate in West Germany and the Weathermen conducted bomb attacks around the United States. These efforts were taken by radicals involved in a loose organisation called Rode Jeugd (Red Youth). Like other New Left organisations involved in armed struggle, also the adherents of Rode Jeugd were radicalised by the Vietnam war and believed that the world was in the brink of revolution. They thought their struggle was part of a worldwide struggle against imperialism and capitalism and looked at China as the leader of the struggle. However, the activities of Rode Jeugd or its successors never developed into the same scale those of RAF or Brigate Rosse in Italy.},
 keywords = {Netherlands; politische Linke; radicalism; youth movement; Konflikt; Protestbewegung; violence; conflict; Jugendbewegung; Gewalt; protest movement; Jugend; Radikalismus; political left; youth; Niederlande}}