

@book{ Freschi2009,
 title = {eParticipation in the institutional domain: a review of research: analytical report on eParticipation research from an administration and political perspective in six European countries},
 editor = {Freschi, Anna Carola and Medaglia, Rony and Nørbjerg, Jacob},
 year = {2009},
 series = {DEMO-net Booklet Series},
 pages = {88},
 volume = {14.1},
 publisher = {DEMO-Net Consortium},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This deliverable of DEMO-net Project provides an analysis of existing research about eParticipation in the institutional domain. It includes a review of the empirical research about eParticipation in six European countries (Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, and Sweden) and in the international research. This report also provides a comparative picture of national and international research, and outlines overall research findings and research gaps.},
 keywords = {electronic democracy; politische Führung; Europe; Internet; Demokratie; Bürgerbeteiligung; political decision; Partizipation; elektronische Demokratie; democracy; politische Entscheidung; political participation; Europa; Deliberation; political leadership; electronic government; participation; Internet; citizens' participation; deliberation; Electronic Government; neue Medien; new media; politische Partizipation}}