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@article{ Veiga2019,
 title = {O prólogo de A condição humana e a pergunta de Arendt: "o que estamos fazendo"?},
 author = {Veiga, Itamar Soares},
 journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia},
 number = {3},
 pages = {280-293},
 volume = {19},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {2178-1036},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {This article analyzes some passages from the prologue to The Human Condition of Hannah Arendt and highlights some projections about the future. The purpose of the investigation is to follow the author's question about what "we are doing"? This monitoring points out that the scientific achievements of the time, in the middle of the 20th century, circumscribed the author's background. But, after more than half a century, this question asked by Arendt motivated by scientific achievements must be put back in a more up-to-date context. The article is dedicated to this update, to further deepen Arendt's main concerns with the future. The answer found after the development of the two-part text, still focusing on the "what are we doing?" question, reflects the technological and social dynamics of recent years. More precisely, the answer points to a worrying connection between the generation of artificiality and the "objectivity of the world."},