

%T Intercursos entre a psicologia genética e a ética do discurso de Jürgen Habermas
%A Alves Diniz, Francisco Romulo
%A Aragão Cavalcante, Carlos Henrique de
%J Griot: Revista de Filosofia
%N 3
%P 166-176
%V 19
%D 2019
%K Developmental psychology; Discourse Ethics; Genetic Psychology
%@ 2178-1036
%X In this article we aim to demarcate the interchanges of the ethics of Haberma's discourse and the genetic psychology of Lawrence Kohlberg. If, on the one hand, for the German philosopher his ethical proposal can contribute to fill the deficits of genetic psychology in relation to moral development, on the other hand, discourse ethics is based on the empirical researches carried out by psychology theorists and, with this, reinforce the thesis of the ethical universality defended by Habermas and Carl Otto-Apel. However, there are limits on the demarcation of the philosophy and the psychology because the are fields in which the methodologies are not identified and and because they assume different epistemologics perspectives, descriptive for the psychology of development and prescriptive for Habermas’ philosophy intends to establish a relation with different fields of knowledge, from which it ensures interdisciplinarity and openness to the constant dialogue between diverse knowledge.
%G pt
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
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