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@book{ Mayer2013,
 title = {Managing Change at Universities - a selection of case studies from Africa and Southeast Asia},
 editor = {Mayer, Peter and Wilde, Marc},
 year = {2013},
 series = {Higher Education in Africa and Southeast Asia},
 pages = {159},
 address = {Bielefeld},
 publisher = {W. Bertelsmann Verlag},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This publication contains nine case studies of change processes in higher education institutions in Africa and Asia. The case studies show the wide variety of challenges higher education institutions face. Quality management has become a key issue in virtually all countries around the world. The search for strategies for faculties or smaller units is another important issue. The authors show how careful reflection on the challenges, on the options available, on benchmarking internationally can help in identifying viable ways for managing the institutional transformation.},
 keywords = {Qualitätssicherung; institutional change; Hochschule; Hochschulbildung; Professionalisierung; university; Internationalisierung; professionalization; Africa; Entwicklung; development; Southeast Asia; institutioneller Wandel; Afrika; Curriculumentwicklung; internationalization; university teaching; Südostasien; Universität; Hochschullehre; quality assurance; university level of education; curriculum development; change management; Change Management}}