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@book{ Böttcher2019,
 title = {Moving EU Civilian Crisis Management Forward: More Capable, More Flexible, More Responsive},
 editor = {Böttcher, Carina and Wolf, Marie},
 year = {2019},
 series = {DGAP-Bericht},
 pages = {29},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.},
 issn = {1866-9182},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This report is based on the findings of the Conference "Moving EU Civilian Crisis Management Forward". The conference took place from 24-26 October 2018 at Schwielowsee. The security environment of the European Union (EU) has changed dramatically over the past decade. New complex conflicts have erupted in the EU’s neighborhood, including Ukraine, Syria, Libya and Yemen, while long-standing conflicts such as Iraq and Afghanistan persist. Moreover, the rule-based world order has been increasingly fragmenting over the last years, and is facing a rise of interest-based foreign policy resting on power and deterrence.},
 keywords = {Krisenmanagement; crisis management (econ., pol.); EU; EU; Konfliktpotential; conflict potential; Weltordnung; world order; Ukraine; Ukraine; Syrien; Syria; Libyen; Libya; Jemen; Yemen; Afghanistan; Afghanistan; Irak; Iraq; Sicherheitspolitik; security policy; Macht; power; Abschreckung; deterrence; Interessenpolitik; pressure-group politics; Außenpolitik; foreign policy}}