Bibtex export


@incollection{ Oppermann2018,
 title = {From Bandung to the DNS},
 author = {Oppermann, Daniel},
 editor = {Oppermann, Daniel},
 year = {2018},
 booktitle = {Internet Governance in the Global South: History, Theory, and Contemporary Debates},
 pages = {12-41},
 address = {São Paulo},
 publisher = {University of São Paulo},
 isbn = {978-3-00-061624-2},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Internet; Internet; Global Governance; global governance; ICANN; ICANN; Nord-Süd-Beziehungen; north-south relations; Entkolonialisierung; decolonization; Entwicklung; development; internationale Informationsordnung; international information and communication order; Neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung; New International Economic Order}}