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@article{ Cornea2017,
 title = {The Necessity of Reforming the Territorial Organisation of the Local Public Power in the Republic of Moldova: Demographic Arguments},
 author = {Cornea, Sergiu},
 journal = {Public Administration & Regional Studies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {31-46},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2065-1759},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {A plausible argument in favour of reforming the territorial organisation of the
public power is the demographic situation in Moldova. Currently, the Republic of Moldova
is faced with a series of demographic issues that leave their mark on many processes that
take place. Here, I refer to the natural movement of the population, the migration
phenomenon, aging and pauperization of the population. Closely related to these processes,
there are also other phenomena: depopulation, de-urbanisation, and ruralization of urban
settlements in Moldova.
These tendencies and phenomena that take place in the Republic of Moldova require
a new principled approach for the territorial organization of public power. Under the newly
created circumstances, the population of local communities that are constantly shrinking
does not have sufficient means to finance the activity of local public authorities and
therefore, not having sufficient means due to the limited tax base, cannot provide quality
public services.},
 keywords = {Republik Moldau; Moldova; öffentliche Verwaltung; public administration; Reform; reform; Bevölkerungsentwicklung; population development; Bevölkerungsverluste; population decrease; demographische Alterung; demographic aging; Migration; migration; sozioökonomische Folgen; socioeconomic effects}}