

@article{ Quintana2003,
 title = {Trabajo, neuromagma y fisuras: escenario neo/ postfordista},
 author = {Quintana, Francisco},
 journal = {Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social},
 number = {3},
 pages = {63-71},
 year = {2003},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {To verify the existence of dichotomic split between activity and labor, as a certain kind of genealogy has pointed out, allows us to deconstruct the complex phenomenology established by the fordist renovation (neo-Fordism) and techno-organizational mutation (post-Fordism, cognitive capital,...) promoted within the frame of production-reproduction of mercantilized socialization. One of the most outstanding effects of these transformations is that labor becomes above all an absorption of neuromagma and the different modalities of intersubjective relation. Besides, the demand of workforce gets modified contracting itself and causing the expiration of the so-called 'working society.' All in all, it is about psycho-social swallowing up, the objection to some behaviors, noises that distort momentarily sense & meaning. In general, what these questions reveal is the need of proposing new practice and categorizations regarding the theory of value and the critics to politics.},