

%T O pluralismo cultural dos imaginários sociais modernos segundo Charles Taylor
%A Decothé, Joel Francisco Junior
%A Weschenfelder, Kelvin Felipe
%J Griot: Revista de Filosofia
%N 2
%P 250-264
%V 19
%D 2019
%K Pluralism; Culture. Imaginaries; Modernity; Democracy
%@ 2178-1036
%X When Charles Taylor reflected about the background history-cultural of occidental modernity, he sets the hermeneutic task to do a rereading on the multiple facets of social modernity imaginaries. These imaginaries ended up being diversified in a plurality triadic and constitutive of multiple culture forms. In this way, how asserts the Canadian philosopher, there is a sphere of the modern social facet that is under the aegis of economy. Which is interlaced with the structural face of modernity as a public sphere. Finally, we have the Self-Government of the people in your nuclear aspect of democratic sovereignty. In this paper, we have the intention to follow the thought of Taylor, in your reconstruction of this pluralism type, that examines about sources, ideas and practices democratic articulated from these constitutive facets and articulator of modern social imaginaries.
%G pt
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
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