Endnote export


%T The Evaluation of Public Policies from the Perspective of the Agenda 21 of Culture: a Case Study
%A Mendívil-Portillo, María Aracely
%A Ibarra-Michel, Juan Pedro
%A Soto-Karass, José Guadalupe
%A Gálvez-Bon, Luz Cecilia
%J Path of Science
%N 8
%P 2001-2014
%V 3
%D 2017
%K culture; public policies
%@ 2413-9009
%U http://pathofscience.org/index.php/ps/article/view/378/411
%X This research shows the results of the implementation of a public cultural policy at the municipal level and has as a main objective to evaluate, from the perspective of the agenda 21 of culture, the program "Art for social development" by the Municipal Institute of Art and Culture developed in a secondary-level boarding school located at the Topolobampo community, in the municipality of Ahome, Mexico. A QUAN-QUAL methodology was used with instruments like questionnaires applied to the young participants and interviews with the workshop facilitators and administrative staff. Guitar, painting and theatre workshops were given, through which the development of new artistic expression skills was achieved, as well as contributing to the strengthening of social behaviors such as tolerance, patience and interpersonal communication, among others. It was found the constant need of having permanent programs of integral training, both in the field of artistic training and socio-emotional, giving priority to groups at risk, such as students of the boarding school that mostly come from families of scarce resources, some of the low performance academic and aggressive behavior. The conclusion is that public policies are required to promote greater articulation of education and culture in order to have a stronger impact on the social and cultural inclusion of young people.
%G en
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info