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@article{ Rakhmanov2019,
 title = {Tourism and the structure of attractiveness of the Baltic region metropolises},
 author = {Rakhmanov, A. B.},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {2},
 pages = {73-93},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {2079-8555},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {International tourism is playing an increasingly important part in the life of all the nine countries of the Baltic region. In this contribution, I analyse the statistical data for 2010-2017 regarding the numbers of arrivals of international tourists and international tourism revenues in the Baltic region. Regional metropolises, which include nine capitals and Saint Petersburg, have a pivotal role in the tourism space of the region. I propose a methodology for empirical research into the attractiveness of ten Baltic cities as perceived by international tourists. This methodology distinguishes three major components in the tourism industry of the Baltic metropolises: hotels, restaurants, and sights. I estimate the attractiveness of these tourism infrastructure components in each of the ten cities using special indicators. Based on the data obtained, I calculate the integrated indicator of city attractiveness. The empirical study shows that, in the Baltic region, international tourists appreciate the most the hotels of Berlin, Warsaw, and Copenhagen, the restaurants of Tallinn, Riga, and Copenhagen, and the sights of Berlin, Stockholm, and Saint Petersburg. The most attractive Baltic cities for inter­national tourists are Berlin, Copenhagen, and Stockholm. Although the sights of Moscow and Saint Petersburg are competitive in the tourist space of the Baltic region, Moscow and Saint Petersburg hotels and restaurants are noticeably inferior to those in other countries of the region.},
 keywords = {Gastgewerbe; official statistics; Russia; Baltic region; Tourismus; tourism; Ostseeraum; hotel and restaurant trade; Tourist; tourist; Russland; amtliche Statistik}}