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@incollection{ Malkawi2018,
 title = {Corporate Governance in Jordan: Role of the External Auditor},
 author = {Malkawi, Bashar H.},
 editor = {Jamali, Dima and Bodolica, Virginia and Lapina, Yulia},
 year = {2018},
 booktitle = {Corporate governance in Arab countries: specifics and outlooks},
 pages = {179-203},
 isbn = {978-617-7309-01-6},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In our globalized world, competition for capital is intense and only jurisdictions with superior corporate governance will attract the FDI crucial for economic growth and development.29 Corporate governance encompasses numerous aspects of how a business is governed and the relationship between the company and various stakeholders. An important marker of good corporate governance is transparent and reliable financial reporting since investment decisions are based on financial statements which must be reliable and trustworthy. Indeed, accurate
financial reporting of publicly-traded companies constitutes “the” source of information for a myriad of stakeholders including: company manager; shareholders, government regulators and potential investors},