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@book{ Leißner2019,
 title = {The Selective Catalyst: Internet use as a mediator of citizenship norms' effects on political participation},
 author = {Leißner, Laura and Valentim, António and Porten-Cheé, Pablo and Emmer, Martin},
 year = {2019},
 series = {Weizenbaum Series},
 pages = {26},
 volume = {1},
 address = {Berlin},
 publisher = {Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society - The German Internet Institute},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {We test the mediating effect of media use on the effects of citizenship norms - shared ideas of what a good citizen is - on political participation. We do so by comparing France and Finland, two countries with distinct media trust levels. Results support the notion that Internet use works as a selective catalyst of political participation, as it is enhanced merely by engaged citizenship norms but not by dutiful citizenship norms. Within the nexus of citizenship norms, media use, and political participation, this article contributes to a better understanding of the normative premises for the Internet use to promote political engagement within differing media contexts.},
 keywords = {soziale Norm; Bürger; Staatsangehörigkeit; mediation; Internet; France; Medien; Bürgerbeteiligung; Mediation; utilization; social norm; Nutzung; Finland; Frankreich; political participation; online media; citizenship; Internet; citizens' participation; Finnland; citizen; Online-Medien; media; politische Partizipation}}