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@article{ Muñoz Gaviria2018,
 title = {Acercamiento histórico, político y pedagógico al concepto de emancipación},
 author = {Muñoz Gaviria, Diego Alejandro and Runge Peña, Andrés Klaus},
 journal = {Revista Kavilando},
 number = {2},
 pages = {470-480},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2027-2391},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The human being is called upon to conquer his humanity, by releasing himself  from the bonds that minimize his existence. Wholeness or fullness of  the human condition is only conquered in the constant and collective struggle for the destruction of  chains, of  oppressions, which hinder them to become more. For this reason, if  the human being arrives into the world being nothing, his fundamental work will be to become everything.El ser humano está llamado a conquistar su humanidad liberándose de las ataduras que minimizan su existencia. La totalidad o plenitud de la humana condición sólo se conquista en la lucha constante y colectiva por la destrucción de las cadenas, de las opresiones que imposibilitan el llegar a ser más. Por ello, si el ser humano llega al mundo no siendo nada, su trabajo fundamental será llegar a serlo todo.},