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@book{ Mavrozacharakis2019,
 title = {Modern Democracy-Welfare  State and Public Goods: A current consequence for Greece},
 author = {Mavrozacharakis, Emmanouil},
 year = {2019},
 pages = {10},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {People expect the state to create jobs and provide them with a social security net. Whatever its defects, whatever the virtues of the private sector, no structure other than the state can today provide citizens with the basic public goods. Under the present right-wing government of Nea Dimokratia in Greece, which is not particularly at odds with neoliberalism, a very active role of the state is not expected. Also is nor expected the introduction of a serious program of public investment and demandboosting to stimulate the national economy and enter into a virtuous circle of recovery. Greece, which has undergone the economic crisis with drastic cuts in its traditionally deficient social state, has to respond directly to the marked underinvestment in public goods (in key areas such as education, health, natural disasters, dealing with decent living conditions).The most important tool for inputting resources is the tax system.},
 keywords = {Griechenland; Greece; Wohlfahrtsstaat; welfare state; Gemeinwohl; common good; Steuersystem; tax system; Sozialstaat; social welfare state; soziale Sicherung; social security; Wirtschaftskrise; economic crisis; öffentliche Investition; public investment}}