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@article{ Chaves G2017,
 title = {Dos décadas sin el padre de la pedagogía de la liberación},
 author = {Chaves G, J. Ignacio Iñaki},
 journal = {Revista Kavilando},
 number = {1},
 pages = {19-25},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2027-2391},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Freire is a reference in Latin American social thought, his figure and his work have  accompanied critical bets by another education, problematizing, liberating  and  emancipating  a society that has been under the oppression of a political and educational system colonizing and excluding. To review him is a necessity to keep in mind his work and the importance of his writings.Freire constituye un referente en el pensamiento social latinoamericano, su figura y su obra  han acompañado las apuestas críticas por otra educación, problematizadora, liberadora y emancipadora de una sociedad que ha estado bajo la opresión de un sistema político y educativocolonizador y excluyente. Revisarle es una necesidad para tener presente su labor y la importancia de sus escritos.},