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%T Analysis of relations between USA and Ukraine: what are the USA strategic goals in the Ukrainian crisis?
%A Chetveryk, Artem Alexandrovich
%P 13
%D 2019
%K Ukrainian crisis
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-63150-8
%X After the United States achieved its goal of denuclearizing in the post-Soviet space, the essence of their policy toward Ukraine is to support Ukraine’s independence and deter Russia's rise. There are three vectors of US policy towards Ukraine: 1) Protection of the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine. 2) Assistance to Ukraine in joining NATO. 3) Helping Ukraine get rid of Russia's economic and energy dependence. The actions of the United States after the Ukrainian crisis are a clear manifestation of this given direction. The US policy towards Ukraine is based on a fundamental opposition to Russia's policy. The confrontation between the United States and Russia in Ukraine is more a confrontation of strategic will than a confrontation of strategic interests. In the future, the United States and Russia may somehow resolve the Ukrainian crisis and break out of their confrontation. The new US political practice after the civil war in Ukraine also confirms this to a certain extent.
The issue investigated in the article is to identify the main causes and characteristics of certain aspects of relations between the United States and Ukraine, which caused the Ukrainian crisis and, as a result, led to a split in society and anti-Russian sentiments. The article summarizes some historical experience of Ukrainian nationalism and American imperialism, leading to the Ukrainian crisis.
The relevance of the article is that topic has not been sufficiently analyzed in political science. The availability of materials and sources about Ukrainian crisis requires the generalization, systematization and scientific understanding of the fact of the USА strategy in the fight against Russia. The study of this topic allows to summarize the results of political processes in Ukraine.
%G en
%9 Arbeitspapier
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info