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@article{ Näser-Lather2016,
 title = {Augmented activism: Interaktionsmodi einer Frauenbewegung},
 author = {Näser-Lather, Marion},
 journal = {Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie},
 number = {5},
 pages = {69-87},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2365-1016},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Der Beitrag analysiert anhand von teilnehmenden Beobachtungen und Interviews die Rolle des "Augmented Space" für Kommunikation, Interaktionsformen sowie Partizipationsmöglichkeiten von Mitgliedern der italienischen Frauenbewegung "Se Non Ora Quando".This paper analyzes the role of "augmented space" for modes of communication and interaction as well as possibilities for participation of members of the Italian women's movement "Se Non Ora Quando", based on participant observation and interviews.},
 keywords = {Kommunikation; communication; Frauenbewegung; women's movement; Italien; Italy; Partizipation; participation; Interaktion; interaction}}