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@article{ Finagina2018,
 title = {Теоретичні особливості та складники розвитку регіонального ринку праці},
 author = {Finagina, O. V. and Zakharova, O. V. and Skibskaya, K. O.},
 journal = {European Journal of Management Issues},
 number = {1-2},
 pages = {14-21},
 volume = {26},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2523-451X},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Purpose - to define theoretical features and to substantiate components in the development of the regional labor market. Design/Method/Approach. The systems approach is applied in order to substantiate a conceptual scheme for the development of the regional labor market, as well as the method of logical reasoning - when justifying the drivers of regional labor market development in accordance with the expectations of its subjects. The information basis was formed by monographs and scientific publications in line with the research subject. Findings. The expediency of introducing measures for the development of the labor market in Ukraine at its present stage of socio-economic and socio-political development is substantiated. The main subjects in the labor market are identified, which include employees, employers, and authorities. The factors in the development of the labor market were determined based on the differentiation of objectives by the labor market subjects. Substantiation of the characteristic features in the development of the labor market is given. A conceptual scheme for the development of the regional labor market was built, which takes into account the expectations and requirements of the subjects, barriers and problems on the way towards development, directions to meet the expectations and overcome barriers, as well as the indicators of the labor market development. Practical implications. Results of the study can be the basis for creation of policy to activate the processes of cluster formation in order to achieve the development trends of regional labor market and to accelerate meeting the expectations of its subjects, which would ensure a synergistic effect. Originality/Value. It is proposed to define the essence of the notion "development of regional labor market" so that in contrast to existing understanding, it would focus on justifying the directions to meet the expectations and requirements of the labor market subjects by means of overcoming existing and predicted barriers and challenges to achieve the indicators of development of the labor market. Research limitations/Future research. Research results are to be laid in the basis of diagnosing the regional labor markets in Ukraine based on the main factors of their development.  Paper type - conceptual.},