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@article{ Dzhusov2017,
 title = {Влияние цифровых технологий на мировой рынок услуг по управлению инвестициями и частным капиталом},
 author = {Dzhusov, Oleksii А. and Apalkov, Serhii S.},
 journal = {European Journal of Management Issues},
 number = {2},
 pages = {72-79},
 volume = {25},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2523-451X},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Purpose - to analyze the current trends in the international market for financial investment and wealth management services and characterize the impact of digital technologies on the development of the investment market. Results. The economic essence of the concept of "private capital management" and the consequences of the impact of digital innovations on it were explored. The problem of the outlined tendency to decrease the growth rates of assets under the management of financial institutions has been considered. The specificity of the Ukrainian market of wealth management services was determined. Based on the analysis, the directions for further development of the international market for financial investment and private capital management services in the medium term have been identified. Theoretical implication. The issues studied in the work should contribute to speeding up the solution of problems of the impact of digital technologies on the international market for financial investment and private capital management services and integrating digital technologies into investment markets. Originality / value of the research. A distinctive feature of this work is the abundance of factual material about the results of the activity of the world's largest financial institutions - leaders in the field of services for managing financial investments and private capital. Prospects for further research. This work opens the possibility of further researches into the impact of digital technologies on the international market for financial investment and private capital management services and compares research results with actual data on the work of financial institutions.  Paper type - empirical.},