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Development of methods for analysis of microenvironment of an enterprise on the example of establishment in the pharmacy industry
Развитие методик анализа микросреды на примере заведения аптечной отрасли
[journal article]

dc.contributor.authorZinchenko, O.
dc.contributor.authorMalyshko, U.
dc.description.abstractUnder modern conditions of business operations, an analysis of environment of an enterprise is getting more and more important. This is an initial phase in the formation of strategy of the enterprise, since it provides for the appropriate basis to define the mission and goals of its functioning. Existing methods of analysis, however, are more focused on the factors in macro environment; as for the microenvironment, it is examined comprehensively, not accentuating its exceptional role in the process of management decision-making. This predetermines the need to develop methodologies and approaches to diagnosing the environment of business, their approbation under conditions of a particular enterprise. The aim of present work is to develop, based on the methods of SWOT and PEST analysis, a new technique, which will make it possible to assess the impact of factors in microenvironment on the results of current and future activities of an enterprise in the pharmacy industry. We developed a new technique for CLCP-analysis, by using which one it is possible to assess the impact of factors in microenvironment on the results of current and future activity of an enterprise. To conduct a new analysis, four groups of factors in microenvironment were isolated, which in case of their change are capable of affecting the activity of an enterprise. These are factors of influence from consumers, legislation, competitors and providers. An algorithm for conducting the CLCP-analysis is proposed, which includes five stages: identification of factors that may affect activity of the company; analysis of significance and a degree of influence of each factor; assessment of probability in the changes of factors; evaluation of real significance of the factor; compiling a consolidated table of CLCP-analysis. We devised a tabular form for the representation of information related to CLCP-analysis. This technique was verified under conditions of an establishment in the pharmacy industry. We found factors that may affect the company the most in the event of changes – this is the occurrence of new consumer requirements to the product range, increased state taxes, the use of new technologies in service sector by competitors and failure to supply the goods on time by suppliers. A ranking of these factors was conducted based on the method of expert estimations. We proposed actions for the enterprise to minimize threats and utilize possibilities that may occur due to changes in microenvironment. In contrast to others, method proposed by Authors will make it possible to assess in full and comprehensively the factors in microenvironment and refine the processes that take place in it. It might be used for business diagnosis when developing competitive strategy of the enterprise. Important scientific tasks of both theoretical and applied nature in future implementation of the given methodology is the cost assessment of influence of each factor in the microenvironment of a pharmaceutical company, development of mechanisms to minimize the risks associated with changes in microenvironment, analysis of interrelation between the micro- and micro-environment. Their fulfillment will contribute to the development of strategic management and implementation of its approaches in the practice of enterprises in the pharmaceutical
dc.subject.othermicroenvironment; PEST-analysis; SWOT-analysis; CLCP-analysis; factor of influence; pharmacy industryde
dc.titleРозвиток методик аналізу мікросередовища підприємства на прикладі закладу аптечної галузіde
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of methods for analysis of microenvironment of an enterprise on the example of establishment in the pharmacy industryde
dc.title.alternativeРазвитие методик анализа микросреды на примере заведения аптечной отраслиde
dc.description.reviewbegutachtet (peer reviewed)de
dc.description.reviewpeer revieweden
dc.source.journalEuropean Journal of Management Issues
dc.rights.licenceCreative Commons - Namensnennung 4.0de
dc.rights.licenceCreative Commons - Attribution 4.0en
internal.statusformal und inhaltlich fertig erschlossende
dc.type.documentjournal articleen
dc.description.pubstatusPublished Versionen

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