Endnote export


%T Інституційне забезпечення фінансування сталого розвитку аграрної сфери України
%A Katan, L. I.
%A Vasylieva, N. K.
%A Vinichenko, I. I.
%J European Journal of Management Issues
%N 7
%P 207-214
%D 2016
%K institutional provision; sustainable development; agrarian sector; financing; innovation-oriented cluster
%@ 2523-451X
%U https://mi-dnu.dp.ua/index.php/MI/article/view/111/144
%X With the accelerated globalization processes, the strength of connection between agricultural production and rural territories is growing; the ratio is changing in the structure of institutions of influence towards financial provision of balanced economic, social and environmental development of this complex systemic formation. Despite the growing interest in research papers to the issues of financing agriculture, an analysis of institutional foundations for the provision of financing the sustainable development, which take into account the multifaceted nature of institutional mechanisms of its implementation in the agricultural sector, is limited. The aim of present work is to substantiate theoretical-methodological and applied principles of institutional provision of financing the sustainable development of agrarian sector in Ukraine. We defined key approaches to the formation of institutional provision of financing the sustainable development of agrarian sector. We believe that the institutional provision of financing the sustainable development of agrarian sector  is a set of socio-economic, organizational and legislative measures of state authorities and entities (collectively, public and private institutions) in the field of financial relations that form necessary legal, organizational and economic conditions for effective engagement, accumulation and application of financial resources in order to achieve a planned dynamic social-ecological-economic effect.  The components of institutional provision of financing the sustainable development of agrarian sector are presented. We analyzed the status of agricultural sector in Ukraine over 2000-2013 and evaluated the tightness of relationship between the volumes of investments and the level of development of national economy (GDP) and agricultural sector (agriculture DP). It was revealed that the growth of investment in fixed capital by UAH 1 million contributed to the GDP growth of national economy in Ukraine by UAH 60.9 million. At the same time, an increase in investments in the main capital of agriculture by UAH 1 million predetermined the increase in the gross production of agriculture by UAH 7.9 million. The sources of financing agricultural sector that are closely related to the development of agricultural sector (correlation coefficient is equal to 0.94) include foreign direct investments, but they do not exert significant impact on the growth of gross agricultural product (growth by USD 1 million stimulated increase by UAH 0.14 million). In the agricultural sector, investment activities of both domestic and foreign investors remain secondary; the amount of invested resources does not meet required volumes. We proposed to create an innovative-oriented cluster of agricultural sector, to improve credit mechanism and the mechanism of state regulation in the context of sustainable development. The value of present research consists in determining the tightness of connection between the amounts of investment provision and the level of development of national economy (GDP) and agricultural sector (agriculture DP). Practical use of recommendations, proposed in present work, on updating the draft Concept of the "State program for sustainable rural development in Ukraine through 2025" will make it possible to optimize financial mechanism of state support for sustainable development of agrarian sector in Ukraine. A promising direction of research is the study and assessment of the possibility to apply foreign experience in the optimization of components of institutional provision for financing the sustainable development of agrarian sector in Ukraine.
%G uk
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info