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@article{ Redko2016,
 title = {Особливості методології проектного менеджменту в туристичному бізнесі},
 author = {Redko, V. E.},
 journal = {European Journal of Management Issues},
 number = {6},
 pages = {114-122},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2523-451X},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Dynamic growth of tourism business requires creation of new project attractive packages of services with corresponding quality and quantity. Expedient and relevant issue is the design and implementation of efficient and successful projects of socio-economic and innovative character in tourism, which need special methodology. The purpose of writing this article is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations of project management in tourist business. We applied general scientific and special research methods: analysis, synthesis, comparative characteristics, theoretical generalization, project approach. It was determined that the methodology of project management in tourism must take into account the main trends in the development of world tourism and local project view, aimed at cooperation and integration of local, regional and global tourist projects in accordance with the forecast of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). It was shown that in the project management they distinguish 9 functional branches, the main of which are the management of the subject area of the project (the contents), management of quality, time, cost, and additional - management of staff, communications, contracts, risks and integration of projects. The basis of the methodology of project management in tourism is the analysis of the needs of tourists in the target market and capabilities of tourist operator to satisfy them by using methods of observation, comparison, intuition, logic, applying the tools of marketing management. It was concluded that the methodology of project management implies consistent and interconnected implementation of the functions of management of tourism activity by the use of methods, tools, techniques and methodology of research in tourism. Management of tourism projects requires taking into account the features of tourist services with regular fluctuations in demand, changes in space and time, inseparability from the source (destination) and the impossibility to store. The scientific novelty of the research is in determining the methodology of project management in tourism, which covers integrated system of functions, methods, means and tools of planning and fulfillment of projects, taking into account the priorities of the development of tourism and resource and service facilities of enterprises in tourism industry, aimed at identifying future needs of tourists during their trip even before the completion of the project. The practical significance of obtained results is to apply the features of the methodology of project management in tourism business to obtain socio-economic synergy that will manifest itself in successful completion of the project, increasing the competitiveness of a destination, where the results of tourism project are implemented. Further research might be promising in the direction of modeling the development of tourist industry in Ukraine, taking into account the features of the methodology of project management in tourism business.},