

@article{ Slyvenko2014,
 title = {Вплив євроінтеграційних процесів на розвиток туристичного ринку країн Балтії},
 author = {Slyvenko, V.A.},
 journal = {European Journal of Management Issues},
 number = {3},
 pages = {93-99},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2523-451X},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The processes associated with the development of international tourism in the Baltic states , which are essential for the growth of economic, social and cultural well-being of the region. The processes of the creation of regional tourism development strategies in Eastern Europe. Provided a comprehensive description of recreational resources. The influence of global processes of globalization on the development of international tourism growth dynamics flow of foreign tourists and the changing patterns of tourist flow to the region. We consider systems of tourism resources and their spatial distribution in the Baltic States , regional specialization in various fields of international tourism. Investigated stages of conceptual travel image and overall regional tourism brand of the Baltic States . Receive the competitiveness of the region as a whole, and singled out the factors that contribute to the development of the tourism market of the Baltic States},