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@article{ Kamenskyi2014,
 title = {Напрями зміцнення енергетичної безпеки в контексті створення центру державно-приватного партнерства України та Німеччини},
 author = {Kamenskyi, V. M.},
 journal = {European Journal of Management Issues},
 number = {3},
 pages = {40-46},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2523-451X},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The modern integration and globalization processes were investigated, which are accompanied by aggravation and new contradictions in the energy sector. Outlines the main implications of the increasing number of threats , their dynamics , and the extent of the negative impact of complications on Energy management system of the country. We offered the new mechanisms of strategic management of energy security of Ukraine. The methods of improving the competitiveness and viability of the national economy through public - private partnerships},