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%T Патологии при проведении реинжиниринга современных организаций
%A Blinov, A.O.
%A Rudakova, O.S.
%J European Journal of Management Issues
%N 3
%P 16-23
%D 2014
%K business process; system approach; innovation management; benchmarking; brainstorming; reengineering
%@ 2523-451X
%U https://mi-dnu.dp.ua/index.php/MI/article/view/18/101
%X The article describes the features of the transition to an innovative model of economic growth. Articulated reasons leading to failure during the reengineering of business processes in modern organizations. The requirements for the reengineering team. Showing the approaches of one of the most important stages of reengineering - building a model organization «as it should be
%G uk
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info