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@article{ Lumer2012,
 title = {Combining Intergenerational and International Justice},
 author = {Lumer, Christoph},
 journal = {Intergenerational Justice Review},
 number = {1},
 pages = {10-16},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2190-6335},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The exigencies of intergenerational and of international justice seem to conflict. This paper discusses this problem and develops a solution to it. After criticising several alternative justifications from the literature, a fully universalistic (i.e. universalistic in the temporal as well as spatial dimension) prioritarian welfare-ethic is developed and justified on the basis of our sympathy: first a criterion of moral value is proposed, followed by a conception of moral duties, which relies on socially binding norms and requires to strive for moral efficiency (most moral value for a given effort). Finally, these ideas are applied to determining priorities between several big social agendas. It turns out that, in practice, dimensional conflicts are less prevalent than initially thought.},
 keywords = {Moral; morality; Verantwortungsethik; ethics of responsibility; Pflicht; obligation; soziale Norm; social norm; Gerechtigkeit; justice; Ethik; ethics; Generationenverhältnis; Intergenerational relations; Ressourcen; resources; Knappheit; shortage; Wertkonflikt; conflict of values; politisches Programm; political program; Wertrationalität; value rationality}}