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@article{ Luiu2018,
 title = {Factors Preventing the Use of Alternative Transport Modes to the Car in Later Life},
 author = {Luiu, Carlo and Tight, Miles and Burrow, Michael},
 journal = {Sustainability},
 number = {6},
 pages = {21},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2071-1050},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Recent research related to transport gerontology argues that the autonomy, flexibility and independence provided by the car are fundamental in fulfilling travel needs in later life. Statistics show that in the western world the car is the most used mode of travel among the older population. Despite the importance of promoting transport policies to incentivize people to switch to more sustainable forms of transportation, alternatives to the car are still underused by older people. The aim of this scoping review is to analyze the transport barriers affecting the use of alternative modes to the car in later life. The paper investigates how issues related to personal security, health impairments, service provision, affordability, comfort, attitude, built environment, information and awareness of all transport modes influence modal choice. The analysis of the literature shows that despite the benefits provided by public transport, flexible transport services, taxis, walking and cycling, there are still several factors that negatively affect the use of these modes. The paper concludes by reflecting on potential solutions that might help to create a transport system less reliant on the car and which is able to meet the mobility needs of the older population.},
 keywords = {alter Mensch; elderly; Verkehrsmittel; means of transport; Verkehrsmittelwahl; choice of means of transport; öffentlicher Verkehr; public transportation; Verkehrssystem; transport system; Verkehrsverhalten; traffic behavior; Mobilitätsmanagement; mobility management; Kraftfahrzeug; motor vehicle; demographische Alterung; demographic aging}}