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@article{ Hulin2018,
 title = {How critical thinking should be at the heart of digital interactions?},
 author = {Hulin, Thibaud},
 journal = {ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies},
 number = {2},
 pages = {85-105},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {1775-352X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this paper, we study how to teach critical thinking at the digital era, in order to promote practitioners autonomy. A theory of interactions is proposed to identify constraints that structure digital creativity. This model helps to design a critical pedagogy, by connecting without opposing a procedural approach to a reflexive one. The paper presents an implementation of this model into a course about writing on a social network. The study of activity diaries of students shows presence of objectivity forms and reflexivity forms, which reflects the development of a critical thinking. This approach offers a way to develop critical thinking not from outside, in a course of argumentation or media analysis, but within the practice itself, in order to become aware of how interfaces structure our expression and thought.},
 keywords = {linguistics; maturity; model; Student; student; Mündigkeit; social media; reflexivity; Linguistik; Modell; Denken; Soziale Medien; thinking; Schreiben; writing; Reflexivität}}