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@article{ Buffel2015,
 title = {Employment status and mental health care use in times of economic contraction: a repeated cross-sectional study in Europe, using a three-level model},
 author = {Buffel, Veerle and Straat, Vera van de and Bracke, Piet},
 journal = {International Journal for Equity in Health},
 pages = {19},
 volume = {14},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {1475-9276},
 doi = {},
 keywords = {gainfully employed person; EU; Erwerbstätiger; demographic factors; mental health; utilization; Arbeitsloser; sozioökonomische Faktoren; cross-sectional study; comparative research; vergleichende Forschung; EU; Gesundheitsvorsorge; Gesundheitsverhalten; Querschnittuntersuchung; geschlechtsspezifische Faktoren; health care; socioeconomic factors; unemployed person; Nutzung; psychiatrische Versorgung; Eurobarometer; psychische Gesundheit; Eurobarometer; gender-specific factors; demographische Faktoren; health behavior; psychiatric care}}