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@article{ Rogge2016,
 title = {Who Shall Not Be Treated: Public Attitudes on Setting Health Care Priorities by Person-Based Criteria in 28 Nations},
 author = {Rogge, Jana and Kittel, Bernhard},
 journal = {PLOS ONE},
 number = {6},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {1932-6203},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The principle of distributing health care according to medical need is being challenged by increasing costs. As a result, many countries have initiated a debate on the introduction of explicit priority regulations based on medical, economic and person-based criteria, or have already established such regulations. Previous research on individual attitudes towards setting health care priorities based on medical and economic criteria has revealed consistent results, whereas studies on the use of person-based criteria have generated controversial findings. This paper examines citizens’ attitudes towards three person-based priority criteria, patients’ smoking habits, age and being the parent of a young child. Using data from the ISSP Health Module (2011) in 28 countries, logistic regression analysis demonstrates that self-interest as well as socio-demographic predictors significantly influence respondents’ attitudes towards the use of person-based criteria for health care prioritization. This study contributes to resolving the controversial findings on person-based criteria by using a larger country sample and by controlling for country-level differences with fixed effects models.},
 keywords = {Gesundheitsfürsorge; Gesundheitsverhalten; demographic factors; medizinische Faktoren; öffentliche Meinung; international comparison; health care; public opinion; rationing; medical factors; wirtschaftliche Faktoren; Gesundheitsversorgung; health care services; Priorität; internationaler Vergleich; economic factors; soziale Faktoren; demographische Faktoren; health behavior; Rationierung; priority; social factors}}