

@incollection{ Bejakovic2004,
 title = {Poverty, inequality and social exclusion in the European Union and Croatia},
 author = {Bejakovic, Predrag},
 editor = {Ott, Katarina},
 year = {2004},
 booktitle = {Croatian accession to the European Union. Vol. 2, Institutional challenges},
 pages = {79-103},
 address = {Zagreb},
 publisher = {Institute of Public Finance, Zagreb},
 isbn = {953-6047-48-9},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The issue of co-ordination in welfare policy in the European Union (EU) has been the subject of many analyses and discussions, but still it has not attained the same level of importance given to the coordination of economic policy. The aim of the paper is to determine the situations and actions in Croatia and the EU in the eradication of poverty and social exclusion. The paper starts with the theoretical and methodological framework, which is followed by an account of the states of affairs in EU member-states. After the description of the situation in Croatia, especially of its advantages and disadvantages as compared to other transitional countries and future members of the EU, the paper ends with a conclusion and proposals for improvement.},
 keywords = {EU; Croatia; post-socialist country; public tasks; international comparison; Armut; combating poverty; Armutsbekämpfung; exclusion; internationaler Vergleich; Exklusion; social inequality; öffentliche Aufgaben; postsozialistisches Land; soziale Ungleichheit; Kroatien; poverty; EU}}