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@article{ Shahrebabaki2018,
 title = {Language and Identity: A Critique},
 author = {Shahrebabaki, Masoud Mahmoodi},
 journal = {Journal of Narrative and Language Studies - NALANS},
 number = {11},
 pages = {217-226},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2148-4066},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Due to the exponential growth of immigration to the developed countries, various speech communities have been
created in those countries. This surge of macro-communities has instigated abundant research on the nature of the
linguistic identity of these communities and its potential influence on the micro-communities. There is a seamless
interaction between language and social identity, and this interaction is multi-faceted and renders myriads of
ramifications. Correspondingly, many researchers or theoreticians have proposed various models for the
mechanism of this interaction. Even though there is a consensus on the strong intercourse between language and
identity, there are still debates on the causal direction of this interaction. Building upon sociocultural and
sociolinguistic theories, the related literature mostly views the causal direction from social to linguistic. However,
this paper argues against any unilateral interpretations and discuss how the notions of language and identity have
bilateral connections. Finally, the elemental stages of the development of linguistic identity from a semiotic
outlook are discussed.},
 keywords = {kulturelle Identität; cultural identity; Sprache; language; Soziolinguistik; sociolinguistics; soziokulturelle Faktoren; sociocultural factors; Semiotik; semiotics; Paradigma; paradigm; Theorie; theory}}