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@article{ Ziegler2016,
 title = {Exploring the Russian network at the Dreesch, a suburb of Schwerin},
 author = {Ziegler, Carmen},
 journal = {EthnoScripts: Zeitschrift für aktuelle ethnologische Studien},
 number = {1},
 pages = {60-73},
 volume = {18},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2199-7942},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {My contribution to the seminar entitled "Angst in the City" is a small-scale
network analysis that I conducted in my home city, Schwerin, with the aim
to identify social relations among people with post-Soviet migratory background
in one of the city’s residential areas.},
 keywords = {soziale Beziehungen; social relations; Migrant; migrant; Stadt; town; soziales Netzwerk; social network}}