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@book{ Bialski2019,
 title = {Communication},
 author = {Bialski, Paula and Brunton, Finn and Bunz, Mercedes},
 year = {2019},
 series = {In Search of Media},
 pages = {112},
 address = {Lüneburg},
 publisher = {meson press},
 isbn = {978-3-95796-146-4},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Machine communication - to interact not just via but also with machines - has transformed contemporary communication. It puts us not just in conversation with one another but also with our current machinery. By analyzing the alienness of this computational communication, through a close reading of interfaces and a field study of software development, this volume uncovers what it means to "communicate" today.},
 keywords = {Mensch-Maschine-System; man-machine system; Kommunikationssystem; communication system; Digitalisierung; digitalization; computervermittelte Kommunikation; computer-mediated communication; Digitale Medien; digital media}}