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@article{ Perius2018,
 title = {O ser em si e a poesia: Sartre leitor de Francis Ponge},
 author = {Perius, Cristiano},
 journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia},
 number = {2},
 pages = {397-407},
 volume = {18},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2178-1036},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Taking by guiding the essay of Jean-Paul Sartre about Francis Ponge "Man and Things", published in "Situations I", this article aims to discuss the place of poetry as "voice of things", as an attempt to neutralize the Being-for-itself in favor of the benefit of the Being-in-itself. Founded in the metaphor of "petrifaction" poetic, the effect of images aims at the renewal of the language from the original contact between words and things. Among the poetic initiatives that deserve relief, there is the valuation of the antilírical and the poetic substantiation centered in the nominative power of language. The poetic exercise, however, although the "return to things themselves" and the "materialistic phenomenology", has its limits in the human condition. By the action of projecting on the things, man aims to liberate the language of pragmatic use and at the same time think the objects without parti pris idealist.},
 keywords = {Phänomenologie; phenomenology; Dichtung; poetry; Sprache; language; Sartre, J.; Sartre, J.}}