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@article{ Moroni2017,
 title = {Self e conteúdo não conceitual da percepção: a perspectiva anti-representacionista acerca da experiência perceptiva do reconhecimento de lugar},
 author = {Moroni, Juliana},
 journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia},
 number = {2},
 pages = {285-302},
 volume = {16},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2178-1036},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {The present work is focused on the epistemological investigation about the relation between Nonconceptual Self, nonconceptual content of perception, awarenes and recognition of place in the context of the Gibsonian ecological perspective. In view of this investigative purpose our objectives are the following: 1 - to characterize the nonconceptual content of perception in the anti-representationalist context and 2 - to question whether consciousness is necessary for organisms to act in the environment and to acquire perceptual experiences such as the recognition of  place. In the context of Gibsonian perspective, we will argue in support of the hypothesis that the ecological-informational and anti-representationalist theory of perception offers innovative theoretical subsidies for the analysis of our research purpose. We understand that in order to have awareness and to be able to think about oneself, the agent must first have basic perceptual experiences of the environment. We consider that the agent's basic perceptual experiences, such as recognition of place, does not necessarily involve consciousness.},