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@article{ Assai2017,
 title = {A questão do argumento social-ontológico na filosofia social: a instituição social como fonte de pesquisa crítico-normativa},
 author = {Assai, José Henrique Sousa},
 journal = {Griot: Revista de Filosofia},
 number = {2},
 pages = {205-220},
 volume = {16},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2178-1036},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Social philosophy takes care of three tasks: the conceptual idea about an institution, how it functions and how it accomplish. In this sense, a challenge to social philosophy, from the point of view of critical-normative research, is to think of the social institution not only as the backbone of society, but, above all, to link it with the social-ontological argument with emancipatory approach; in other words, how a social institution how to deal with its task of promoting social goods and social rights. I intend to explain the philosophical-social requirement of the social-ontological argument in the discussion of critical-normative research taking into account that, at first, the social institution is understand itself as a medium to emancipation and, secondly, this institution stem from a detranscendental reason conception and this refer to a new way to think the social philosophy inside in the historical background of ours social communities.},
 keywords = {Sozialphilosophie; social philosophy; Kritische Theorie; critical theory; Ontologie; ontology; soziale Institution; social institution}}