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@article{ Janzekovic2014,
 title = {A Review of "Human Security in World Affairs: a Pedagogical, Multi-disciplinary Approach"},
 author = {Janzekovic, John},
 journal = {Journal of Human Security},
 number = {1},
 pages = {12-13},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {1835-3800},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Alexander and Sabina Lautensach (editors) propose that their book is primarily intended for students and for teaching, and that a pedagogical approach was prioritised rather than a reproduction in the standard format of an academic monograph (p. XVII). Throughout, they aim for a diverse, multi/trans-disciplinary approach in content and presentation by contributors with potential student outcomes focused on flexibility and a broad spectrum knowledge and understanding of human security. To these ends they have been very successful. This hefty tome, almost encyclopaedic in its scope and depth, needs to be approached by students in a certain way. That is, students will benefit from some directed guidance regarding approach and methodology in order to successfully navigate through the many detailed concepts, theories and practicalities contained in the book. This is clearly provided in the preface where the authors spend quite some time outlining the rationale of the book in a simple and easy to understand way that will be particularly useful for students and other engaged readers.},
 keywords = {menschliche Sicherheit; human security; pädagogische Faktoren; pedagogical factors; Verantwortung; responsibility}}