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@book{ Heise2016,
 title = {Walras' law in the context of pre-analytic visions: a note},
 author = {Heise, Arne},
 year = {2016},
 series = {ZÖSS Discussion Paper},
 pages = {12},
 volume = {54},
 address = {Hamburg},
 publisher = {Universität Hamburg, Fak. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, FB Sozialökonomie, Zentrum für Ökonomische und Soziologische Studien (ZÖSS)},
 issn = {1868-4947},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Walras' law is central to the formation of economic theory. For mainstream economics, it is a device for testing rigorousness and consistency of model-building; for heterodox economists, the refutation of Walras' law is key to understanding Keynes’ revolutionary contribution to a new economic paradigm. The purpose of this short research note is to elaborate on the possibility of a refutation of Walras' law and to inquire into its preconditions. It will be argued that this can only be achieved on the basis of an alternative pre-analytic vision of a genuine monetary economy as forshadowed by John Maynard Keynes.},
 keywords = {Ökonomie; economy; Gleichgewicht; equilibrium; Gleichgewichtsmodell; equilibrium model; Volkswirtschaftstheorie; theoretical economics; Keynes, J.; Keynes, J.; Geldwirtschaft; monetary economy; Wirtschaftswissenschaft; economics}}