

%T Obhajoba realistického pojetí modernizace: Poznámky k článku prof. Árnasona a dalším polemikám
%A Machonin, Pavel
%J Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review
%N 1
%P 167-175
%V 44
%D 2008
%K Modernization
%= 2011-08-30T11:27:00Z
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-59073
%X A reply to Jan Keller (2007), Jaroslaw Kilias (2006), & Johann Arnason (2007) as critical reviewers of Machonin's Ceska spolecnost a sociologicke poznani. Problemy spolecenske transformace a modernizace od poloviny sedesatych let 20. stoleti do soucasnosti ([The Czech Society and Sociological Knowledge. Problems of Social Transformation and Modernization from the Mid 1960s to the Present] Prague: ISV, 2005). Keller's critique is found to be fed by his personal, 'hyperskeptical' & overly pessimistic, view of modernization. Kilias misreads the book in the context of his own theoretical-methodological conceptions. Arnason's criticism is discussed in more detail, addressing the following issues: (1) the variety & diversity of epistemological approaches in sociological research, (2) the liberal thought in classical Marxism & the notions of social liberalism & democratic socialism, (3) the theory of multiple modernities, & (4) the concept & term 'state socialism' & the question whether state socialism, as practiced in the Soviet bloc countries, qualifies as a special type of modernity.
%G cs
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info