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@article{ Hochman2015,
 title = {Infiltrators or Asylum Seekers? Framing and Attitudes Toward Asylum Seekers in Israel},
 author = {Hochman, Oshrat},
 journal = {Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies},
 number = {4},
 pages = {358-378},
 volume = {13},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {1556-2956},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This study asks whether framing asylum seekers in Israel as “infiltrators” posing threats to the country amplifies exclusion toward them. The term “infiltrators” associates asylum seekers with the anti-infiltration law passed in the 1950s to fight terrorists and dissociates asylum seekers from their unique position as holders of special rights. The term “infiltrators” may thus influence the attitudes of the Israeli public regarding the treatment of asylum seekers. Findings demonstrate that respondents presented with the “infiltrators” frame were more likely to show exclusionary attitudes. Findings additionally show that the framing effect mediates the relation between perceived socioeconomic threat and exclusion.},
 keywords = {labor migration; ethnocentrism; politische Einstellung; Framing-Ansatz; Arbeitsmigration; sozialer Status; Bedrohung; measurement; sozioökonomische Faktoren; asylum seeker; xenophobia; Asylpolitik; religious factors; political identity; political attitude; Israel; asylum policy; Messung; threat; social status; Israel; Ausländerfeindlichkeit; attitude; religiöse Faktoren; population; Asylbewerber; politische Identität; socioeconomic factors; exclusion; Exklusion; framing approach; Bevölkerung; Ethnozentrismus; Einstellung}}