

@incollection{ Grinin2014,
 title = {Cyclical Dynamics in Economics and Politics in the Past and in the Future},
 author = {Grinin, Leonid and Devezas, Tessaleno C. and Korotayev, Andrey},
 editor = {Grinin, Leonid and Devezas, Tessaleno C. and Korotayev, Andrey},
 year = {2014},
 booktitle = {Kondratieff Waves: Juglar – Kuznets – Kondratieff; Yearbook},
 pages = {5-24},
 address = {Volgograd},
 publisher = {Uchitel Publishing House},
 isbn = {978-5-7057-4282-0},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Nikolay Kondratieff is known primarily for his theory of long cycles. However, it is worth recalling that he was among the first who started to investigate the nature of different economic cycles and their systematic interaction. Actually the primary classification of cycles into short, medium and long belongs to Kondratieff},