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@book{ Lenzner2013,
 title = {Optimizing Probing Procedures for Cross-National Web Surveys (CICOM 2): Kognitiver Pretest},
 author = {Lenzner, Timo and Neuert, Cornelia and Otto, Wanda},
 year = {2013},
 series = {GESIS-Projektbericht},
 pages = {55},
 volume = {2013/01},
 address = {Mannheim},
 publisher = {GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Pretest; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Methodenvergleich; online survey; Wertorientierung; Online-Befragung; comparison of methods; politische Einstellung; value-orientation; pretest; Federal Republic of Germany; questionnaire; political attitude; nationale Identität; survey research; Umfrageforschung; Fragebogen; national identity}}