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@article{ Novak-Marcincin2015,
 title = {Negative journalistic communication: a review},
 author = {Novak-Marcincin, Jozef and Nicolescu, Adrian and Teodorescu, Mirela},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {47},
 pages = {131-138},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Negative Journalistic Communication, published by Editura Academiei Romane, is a book about Conviction and Persuation, a medium hermeneutical essay, as the author, Stefan Vladutescu professor at University of Craiova/Romania, asserts. The premise from which we start is that one that the human being is an accessible, permeable being to persuasion. Any influence occurs through communication. From the point of view of social influence, communication has two methods: convictive and persuasive. The convictive influence path is the demonstration path, of strong arguments, strict and rigorous reasoning path or logic applied. But human being is not entirely a rational being. Individuals communicate not just to make demonstrations. We communicate to share experience, to agreeing on values ​​on certain actions. As form of persuasion detaches negative journalism, as opposed to positive journalism dominated by conviction. In his setting of ex-information, negative journalism imposes as a way of satisfying some economic commands, political or otherwise, in any case not before informational. With negative journalism media surrender persuasion.},
 keywords = {Kommunikation; communication; Journalismus; journalism; Medien; media}}